GLENDALE Estate Sale–Clean and Contemporary Sale in the Glendale Country Club Area
We are proud to be bringing you another exceptional sale. Once again, circumstances require an "appointment only" sale, so that we can offer a safe environment to our clients. Everything from fine art to bronze helmets to an ornate French clock to midcentury items... the list is exhausting! This sale is loaded with amazing items of rarity, quality and beauty.
We are back with our first sale of the new year, and what an amazing sale this one is. The owner spared no expense and only purchased the best of anything. This makes for a particularly special and wonderful sale that is loaded with items of fine taste, elegance and quality. We are conducting this sale by appointment only.
Time to get out and have some fun, discover some amazing finds and useful items. We are hosting this on-site sale in Claremont. We will be observing all safe protocols, so bring your masks and follow our social distancing requests. This is a really special and lovely 2-day sale. The home has a number of lovely pieces and quite a variety as well. This is such an eclectic sale that it is hard to place it into any one genre.