Fun Filled Vintage Treasure Estate Sale in Pomona California
WHERE: 1582 Alameda Pomona CA 91768
GOOGLE MAPS LINK: Pomona CA Estate Sale Location
Hello and welcome back to our next second fun estate sale of 2024! This one is in Pomona and we are liquidating all the contents of this longtime Pomona resident and local librarian.
This charming 1950’s California home is located in one of Pomona’s Historic Districts and is loaded with fun and surprising vintage belongings and items.
There is a really cool array of vintage women’s clothing and many of these pieces are quite charming and unique. You will find several attractive pieces of fine art, including some early California oil landscapes, as well as other wall art. There is a huge collection of fine china, kitchen collectibles, vintage linens, lamps and a lovely fine dining room set along with some very cute bedroom furniture.
We have a unique antique sampler from 1835 as well as a classic mid-1920’s Brunswick Model G-5 record player! Plus vintage Christmas items, garden pots and potted plants, all sorts of odds and ends and much much more. And, or course, there is a garage full of digging fun for all of you treasure hunters.
The sale is a ONE DAY ONLY SALE! DOORS OPEN AT 9 AM Saturday morning. We price very reasonably for these rare one day sales, because we still want to sell it all!
Please take some time and scroll through my photos. Lots of fun stuff to see and many more images on our POMONA ESTATE SALES LISTING.
WANT FIRST ENTRY? If you want to get on our first entry line up list, it is simple, you just have to text me with your full name and any others that want to be on the list with you. Text me at 951.316.0429. Entry place is based on the order in which texts are received. And you must be there before 8:30 am to get lined up properly in the order of the list.
Our prices are always fair, and we run a fun sale. The sale opens at 9 a.m. Saturday morning and we plan to move it all! We’ll see you then!