Amazing 60 years of collections, overlooking the Arroyo!
WHERE: 280 South Arroyo Blvd.Pasadena, CA 91105
GOOGLE MAPS LINK: Pasadena Arroyo Estate Sale Location
We are starting the new year off with a fantastic sale in Pasadena. This wonderful English Tudor style home is located on the fabled Arroyo Boulevard, overlooking the natural beauty of the Pasadena Arroyo Seco canyon. The home was occupied for over 60 years by the family and it has come time for the owner to downsize and join a new life in an active senior living center.
And so the time has come to leave behind this charming home full of unique, interesting, and beautiful things from around the world!
This will be a great estate sale to come to, packed with a large variety of fun and interesting items of great quality and, as always, priced fairly.
There is so much to discover here and this is just a partial list of the items and categories: ,
- A huge selection of fine women’s and men’s vintage clothing
- Wide assortment of great lamps
- 3 top quality Rosewood modern bookcase/cabinets
- High-end, quality antique furniture, most of which was purchased from Bruce Graney and Company Fine Antiques in Pasadena
- Weber Vintage Grand Piano in excellent condition!
- Huge stamp collection
- Vast selection of quality books (and cook books)
- A large 19th Century Thai Benjarong jardiniere
- Large vintage brutalist/steampunk sculpture
- Balinese carvings
- A varied selection of original fine art, both modernist and traditional
- Thailand hand crafted silver-plate
- Modern and midcentury pottery, wood turnings, and glassware, all signed
- Thailand and African artifacts
- Chinese tea caddies
- Selection of custom canes
- Hand stitched Thailand pillows
- Kenmore Elite 3 drawer refrigerator
- Matched pair of LG True Steam washer and dryer- stainless
- Nice selection of vintage LP’s
- Assorted handmade Persian rugs and a nice Chinese Tien Sin small rug
- Vintage linens
- Pair of Karl-Erik Ekselius arm chairs…as is.
- Chinese Export 6 panel wall hanging… stone inlay
- And a large garage full of digger delights!!
WANT FIRST ENTRY? If you want to get on our first entry line up list, it is simple, you just have to text me with your full name and any others that want to be on the list with you. Text me at 951.316.0429. Entry place is based on the order in which texts are received. And you must be there before 8:30 am to get lined up properly in the order of the list.
Please take some time and scroll through my photos. Lots of fun stuff to see…over 350 images on our PASADENA ESTATE SALES LISTING.
Our prices are always fair, and we run a fun sale. The sale opens at 9 a.m. Saturday morning and then again at 9am on Sunday. We’ll see you then!