Fun, Interesting and Eclectic Estate Sale in San Bernardino

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From Fine Art to Military Collectibles, A GREAT SALE!!!

San Bernardino Estate Sale

Dates: Saturday September 17th (9am till 3pm) and Sunday 18th (9am till 2pm)

Address: 4021 Sparkle Berry, San Bernardino, CA 92407

For more images, please visit our listing on ESTATESALES.NET: Link to SAN BERNARDINO CA Estate Sale

lamp, estate sale, vintage, cast iron

Well, here we are with another great sale and it is time to go eclectic and fun! This lovely home in located in San Bernardino and there is plenty of interesting stuff to be found here.

Let’s kick off the list with a huge, amazing collection of military medals and insignia–highly collectible and sought after. These items date from WW2 up to the Vietnam war. In addition, there is an excellent selection of military uniforms, binoculars, caps and sundry other military equipment.

And, for something completely different, there is a beautiful collection of Russian icons, other icons and crosses. You will find a fine choice of wall art and lovely original paintings as well as framed Art Nouveau tiles.

Then there is a huge selection of Pikard goldware china, and other fine china as well. The sale boosts an amazing quantity of vintage American cut glass! And plenty more as well: vintage paper, old photos, books and quite a bit more vintage goods.

As a bonus, we have a great selection of plants, pretty plumeria and rose bushes along with nice yard art and pots. 

We have a ton of images on our SAN BERNARDINO ESTATE SALE LISTING that you should click on and browse (and we have some great images below). Please take a look and then make your plans to attend a really fun estate sale this weekend!

See you there, the sale starts on Saturday morning at 9am

QUESTIONS? You can always reach me by cell (951) 316-0429 or email [email protected]